Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Very Many Spring Day

Sadly I don't have the pics to prove it but the major activity of the day has been to march in an Afro/Cuban Pagan Springtime parade down Congress Street, up Munjoy Hill, appreciatively behind a phalanx of writhingly dancing women, led by a man in dressed in an African fertility costume covered in straw.

It was striking enough to chase the Evangelical Methodist churchfolk back inside their church as they strolled out during our passby.

I took a lot of shots. Sadly, as noted above none of them actually were taken as I'd left the damned card on my desk.

Trust me - it was a blast.

It was fun - and both the types closest to my heart.

The joy of participation:

I told a friend earlier in an email that I tend to find myself participating in a lot of things like this. I love performing and being part of an ensemble. The intensity of listening and following - or leading, on occasion - really clears out my soul, connects me with other folks.

And the joy of observation:

The rest of the day was a shower and a nap - followed by a late afternoon trip across the river to take pics at Bug Light.

I take a lot of pleasure when watching two streams come together. That's the place where the prettiest waves happen. It's where things are created, like Venus rising from the foam of the sea.

So it was a fun afternoon, a "good stretch of the legs" to quote John Ford (late of Portland himself).

I hope we did him proud.

-- Post From My iPad

Location:Congress St,Portland,United States

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