Saturday, April 17, 2010

My My My My My Boogie Shoes....

So. Tomorrow is my 54th birthday. By God I've earned it.

I wish I could say portentious things but I've just got too damned much to worry - no, think - about.

Inuk is going really well. Still some last-minute fixies to do, had to re- write another song - again. As we approach this week's opening it's starting to look more and more like a show.

I like it.

A lot of the action of the play is driven by the needs of the human characters. The often throw themselves on the mercy of the divine ones.

This idea of "mercy" is either lost on these kids or, more likely, is so far outside their direct emotional experience that it's almost impossible for them to operate from it.

When driving me across the scrubs of Southeastern Oklahoma once, on the way to grad school in Louisiana, my dad pointed out a road, that arrowed West from the main highway.

He told me that there was an Indian School about 20 miles down the road and that he had been consigned to it after his parent's divorce.

Still the need to be with his father (my grampa Sam) was so great that he jumped the fence of the school and walked the 20 miles to get the state highway that would lead the 70 miles north to Tulsa/Sand Springs where his Father - seperated from his wife - lived.

He pointed out the road - which seemed like it led straight to Nowhere's armpit over the horizon - and said that when he stood there a farmer came by in his truck and "had mercy on him", giving him a ride up North so dad could be with his Dad.

As I think about it I cannot escape a profound feeling of respect, of understanding fierce need and depth of feeling that would drive an eight year old boy to undertake such a perilous risk.

I also have a lot more respect for the potential of eight year olds as well.

So often I have been defined by the extraordinary grace and strength of my Mon - that I forget where so much of my strength and power of affect come from.

No point in not loving if the opportunity presents itself.

Happy birthday, indeed.

-- Post From My iPad

Location:Congress St,Portland,United States

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Jim. Hope it is a good year for you. Hope to see you at The Orchard on my next trip down. Take care. Pat