Sunday, February 8, 2009

Full Moon, Clear Sky, Swift Wind, Cold

What started as a sunny and surprisingly warm day has turned into a windy and cold night.  The sun was very bright after noon, the temperature hovered around 45.

I had finished editing my new milonga (first mentioned here) and shipped it off, around 1 p.m.

The piece is a different sound for me and I rather like it.  However this forced a different approach to certain aspects of the actual written parts.  It worked out really well but took extra time.

So when I finally rose and considered heading out it was a disappointment to see that the pleasant warmth had transformed much of our snowy landscape into a slushy mess.  Clear ice was covered by water, in some cases almost an inch's worth, rendering the footing dangerous.  You could easily be fooled by the comfortable ambience surrounding you, slip and crack your skull.

Good balance and Bean Boots can take you far.

Ah, but tonight the wind has changed, blowing cold from the North.  There is a brilliant full moon out in a cloudless sky, etched above my head as if cut from pure crystal and lit by burning candles made of diamonds.

I've been in our quarterly store meeting at the Orchard.  Driving back over the Fore River was a strange, haunted experience.  The ground had an amazing glow.  You could almost see as much detail as in daytime but the colors were all from a palate of grey and silver, with trees etched by steel pens dipped in black soot.

This picture is of the moon and a streetlight, with just a bit of the doorway overhead.  It shows the kind of night that strange things walk about in, new and glistening, old and sharp.  The cold and the wind roar through the pine trees outside, whistle in the empty branches of the elms - I hear them rasp in the chimney of my apartment, echoing in the fireplace, trying to get in, trying to get in.

Trying to get in.

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