There is a lot to think about.
Let's talk about tango.
I've gotten hooked - irrevocably hooked - on learning and dancing Argentine tango. Years ago an actor friend dragged me off to Maine Ballroom Dance to learn American (Ballroom) Tango, which was repetitious but fun (E.G. was a good dancer and actor), but I didn't think of it again until I saw my pal Adira on a First Friday - that led to an invitation to see her dance at a milonga.
The tango they were doing seemed much more engaging that the pattern-based dancing I'd learned before. Something inside me clicked. I told myself at the time that all the energy came from a desire to dance well with Adira - if you ever see her dance you'll understand why - but this really goes much deeper.
I think the improvisational relation of music to movement allows something very powerful to come up from inside me. It makes a lot of sense, if sense can be the thing you call it.
So now I am part of something I've never really had before - a community. Oh, I know I have in the past - the Cathedral, MSDI, the American Renaissance Theatre - but this is a group I'm really aware of.
It's really quite cute.
And on top of that I think I've found my voice as a composer - or recovered it. Writing for our local little tango orchestra - Tango Mucha Labia - led me very deep, very quickly.
It's an odd feeling - I'm not scared of what it's doing to me - I just have to remember to keep my hands and feet inside the carriage as it goes along the roller coaster.