Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's cloudy in there, and all white...

Today is recovery from the last two or three weeks - 

which are the capper of the last two or three months - 

which are the summation of the last two or three years.

A question came up in a story on MSNBC - asking students in a program where they wanted to be tomorrow, next week and next year.

I honestly don't think I've ever formally considered such a question.  Or it was something that was so obvious that I didn't really take time to think about it.  Today, being in such shaky shape after last night's rousing season finale concert, I should do so.

Besides which, seeing the doctor will answer some questions as well.

This has been an amazing period of time.  Perhaps I've come to the end of the innate, unthinking programming that's driven me for so long - now, perhaps for the first time in memory, I know enough about who I am and what I want to take control - scary though that thought may be.

Off to the doctor.  We'll see.

"All will be well, and all will be well, and all manner of thing will be well".

Thank you, lady Julian.