Dogs have it easier than cats but cats are smarter.
You couldn't hitch up a bunch of cats to pull a sled across the Iditarod - it just wouldn't happen.
The Dog Days actually happen in August and are signaled by the star Sirius - the Dog Star that follows the constellation Orion.
As a licensed poodle groomer in the state of Oklahoma I have to say I think that would be pretty cool - if it wasn't so damn hot...
So, "now these hot days is the mad blood brewing".
My interview was yesterday. I think it went pretty well - I had fun and liked the two guys running it. There was a background check, of course, which included a credit check - I'm not profligate but neither am I a blue chip.
Well, we shall see.
Works has begun on a new tango. It's nice to get into that mindset - solving problems and imagining how it will work is fun. I dance a lot in the room.
Finally I did go to the gym to run. I want to start running in longer chunks in preparation for heading out in the street. Sooner or later I have to reach for a level of intensity that will get me into five mile runs.
I've had a mixed relationship with exercise - mixed feelings. My dad was a runner in college - he was even an extra during the filming of "Jim Thorpe: All American" at Bacone College just after WWII. He took off running during a race scene and had to be reminded by the AD that Burt Lancaster (Jim Thorpe) was the one who had to win the race.
After that I stopped by Geno's for a tonic (gin is only for the weekends) and listened to a first rate story teller - Laura Packer (whose website is here) - it was only for a moment as she'd been going for a while, but she really gets her point across.
So it's been quite a day - hopefully tomorrow will be just as full of incident and action.
How was yours?