One of my favorite groups of people - amongst many I sample from time to time here in Portland - is the Cat Dancer and his supple, clever and creative friends.
Saturday past at the Farmer's Market was enjoyable for several reasons - I walked down with the W's and their dog, the weather was as close to mid-summer perfect as one could even conceive of wishing for, the food and flowers for sale were lovely.
And the scene was accented by the Cat Dancer on slack rope and his female compatriot on the braided rope, performing on the slope by the stone bridge.
I've always wanted to learn the slack rope. The Cat Dancer told me he started by learning while leaning on a long pole to keep himself on rope until he got the total hang of it and gradually worked himself away from it.

But attempt it I will, if not this Summer then next.
For right now I'll stick to diablo and keep my feet on the ground - especially if they're going to be walking around the Orchard all day.
More later.