Friday, March 12, 2010

Up In the Air with One Foot on the Ground

Some folks have jobs that are even more interesting than mine.

Getting a donut and a lemon-water at the Portland Market House, about 2 minutes before Noon. A day off.

The apartment vacuumed, the cat fed, laundry sorted, the coat picked up at the tailor's, reservations made for "Cinderella" at the CMTM and I've picked out what I'm going to work on while the laundry is running.

Rehearsal for Inuk was cut short by a power blackout on the USM campus. I was down in the director's office in the basement of the theatre building when the lights blanked and the emergency lights perked on.

The Sea Monster and I continued to work on his phrasing - he's got a nice voice but the balance of rhythm to shape of the text needs some work - when the production assistant (you've got to love academic productions - they can generally find people to do everything, and to spare - big time Equity shows can do the same - it's the store-front and regional houses where all the hats are worn by the same people) popped in the door to tell us that the evening was being bagged for safety reasons.

I can't say I was bitterly disappointed - it had been rather a long day and no let up. Went home and did the two earlier posts to this.

Still, it looks like we've got pretty much all of the show covered now - major rewrites are done, the Raven has to have a new structure for the opening chant but most of it looks like it will work.

Don't have a show yet, but things are starting to head in the right direction.

Now I have to head off to an afternoon of accomplishment and perhaps, finally, some time to sit down at the keyboard and explore some new ideas.

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