Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Street Seemed Very Clean At First

SO, the day after snow and soup found the streets to be very, very clean. It was surprising to go to bed one moment with the wind crying outside my windows and wake up the next with a clear, bright Maine morning sneaking into my apartment.

It was funny to see the Porta-Potty in this pic, there, on the left - it was on its side the night before, chasing me across this lot, driven by the wind gusts, siding on the water.

I've envisioned my death from several causes, varying in degrees of rationality or creativity. I can safely say w/out fear of contradiction that "death by Porta Potty" was not one of them

And so now, a day later - actually, two days if you go by the calendar and the clock - I'm thinking about the scene in the streets just now, tonight - walking over to "Grace", the new restaurant built out of the shell of the Chestnut Street church.

There was magic breaking loose, 11:30 at night and a damp snow was falling. It's supposed to alternate wind/snow, clear/rain. Hard to tell - I sspect we'll just go with whatever we get.

Stil, it's hard on the trashcans.

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