There is no particular meaning to this pic. I took it the other day when biking around the city - and I've not had time to do it since.
Actually it's rather a rainy evening at the of a more than rather rainy day. I woke up with a funny tune/harmony running in my head and staggered to the computer to write it down - this, even before my morning coffee, which is saying something.
And now the darn thing is pretty much finished.
Orchestrated (roughly) and ready to edit. It has a very plaintive quality.
I've told my friends in TML that most all of my pieces are autobiographical in nature - either the titles or the music - both, most of the time - have some kind of deep connection to me. I suppose I could take time to really be clever and write clever detached music, but that takes time and I'm afraid I'm too impatient these days.
Obviously not all this stuff gets played - I think they've played maybe three of them and I'm well into the twenties by now. Not all of them are really good enough to be played - they may not make structural sense a lot of the time, or they'd just be boring to dance to. But as my friend Hank Beebe says, you have to have thousands of pole-vaults before you're allowed to compete - even if you can jump higher than anyone else there's more to it than just muscular (or musical) cleverness.
So I just write and try to get better with each one. Hopefully they're getting better as I go.
Hopefully I'm getting better as I go.
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