Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Flamenco Tuesday

MobileMe Gallery is here.

Well alright, people.

Flamenco in the hot July sun. Very welcome, I must say - both the flamenco and the sun.

This is the first of two days off. I've been working in the Orchard pretty much full on since the new iPhone came out. I don't think I've had two contiguous days off in a month.

I will admit that work has been fun.

Apple Camp was a riot. I had the best colleagues and the format came off brilliantly.

And today?

Today there was flamenco in Congo Square, just around the corner from Doctor's Row. I had seen a Facebook posting about it - Facebook is occasionally good for SOMEthing - and wandered by just in time to catch the activity.

Three string players - one playing oud and flute. One percussionist. Three singer/dancers helping keep the beat.

Each dancer would take a turn on the plywood sheets laid on the concrete of the platform. Either that or help add to the energy of the performance by sitting and keeping time with her hands.

There was a very spotty crowd. I suspect the heat was discouraging folks from being out and about. For myself I need to be a little overheated as a way to stave of bronchitis which is my annual summertime bane.

I love the energy, the seriousness and the sheer presence that flamenco presents.

There is a grace and focus to the relationship between music and dance. There is not a single wasted movement, not a gesture out of place. Same with the notes - both guitar and percussion interleave, mix, each driving the other, each musician almost daring the his/her partners to drive the energy along.

So now I have something to use when I finish the tango I'm currently working on. Now it almost seems de riguer to do a slideshow of somekind so I can upload it along with the music. Not sure which is wagging which.

Oh well.

I think the air conditioning here at JavaNet is messing me up - back to Doctor's Row so I can get this tango scored and recorded: then I can use the pics to some really dramatic effect.

I love this town ....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet! I LOVE Flamenco. Been to a few performances and secretly want to learn it!!!!! All that power, pulse and stomping. mmmmm let me know if you stumble upon classes. Thanks for sharing. Anna