...Or, "What Have I Gone And Done Now?!"
A twenty-first century still life - iPad, beer,candle and a slice of really good pizza. Ambulance roars by in one direction - fire engine in the other.
My friend E met me at Boda to share a pot of tea and talk about the upcoming Pecha Kucha, or "creative conversation" and her part in it.
You see our dear mutual friend Charles has arranged a showing of the documentary "Si Sos Brujo" at One Longfellow Square. The films tells the story of the recovery of knowledge of the great classical performance style of tango, rather like Preservation Hall gives the great old jazzers a place to share the classic old style of New Orleans Jazz.
Well, E is hosting the upcoming Pecha Kucha and since they had an open slot she filled it with what, in effect, will be a six minute commercial for the showing.
....and what, you ask, is my part in this? Well, my job is to mine both my collection of pics and the actual DVD of the movie to find evocative images that will help E tell both the story of our little tango community and flack for the flick.
At some point - and this is E's idea - I should do a presentation of my music, particularly the tango slide shows that I put together using Keynote. Personally I can't see how they would fit into the format these things usually follow - but it wouldn't be the first time I couldn't see an obvious path to personal expression.
Oh boy - another slice of pizza - cauliflower and mushroom. Wow - right out of the oven. Maybe adding some peppers will help cool it down.
Maybe not.
The presentation of the movie will end with a Skype video conversation with the head of the tango schoolin the film and his wife, who is the film maker, both in Buenos Aires.
And I have to tech it. This gets more and more entertaining every day.
So here we go again, being useful behind the scenes.
-- Post From My iPad
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