Monday, May 3, 2010

Not All Places Are In Pieces

My first dessert of the season in Monument Square, at David's.

I think my waiter - who called me "dear" when I was signing in - is disappointed that I'm not ordering a more expansive dinner - but I'm on rather a budget (who's not, these days?) so coffee and a dessert it is.

Almost 7:30 and still almost 70º out. People are out and about in the Square. Some folks, with a guitar, are grouped on the Monument base, a pretty girl in a flowered dress sits pensively, on the side.

The cheesecake is rich, lemon-laced. The kind of dessert that seems light in flavor and texture - but can overwhelm your mouth if the wrong sized bite is taken.

The sunset paints the sides of the buildings. The white stucco of the library glows, a leftover coal of the day's fire.

I have a tango to edit - the birthday piece. It's ready to go, I've left it fallow for a few days, not even listened to the test performance file. It's rather like this cheesecake: too much of a bite will confuse you.

So I should go to see my Shakespeare friends - instead I'm off to Geno's to watch a really bad movie and listen to people make fun of it.

The cracker that cleanses the palate of my brain from the table of rich dishes that was "Inuk and the Sun".

Goodness. THERE'S a thought!

-- Post From My iPad

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