Monday, February 2, 2009

There are signs ...

Lucky to have a tango class tonight.  Arrived at what I thought was ahead of the starting time and seemed to come in the middle of things.

That's OK.  It was fun to see V. teach the class.  She takes the same approach that I take to teaching instruments and marching.  It's all based on self-awareness and positioning - knowing where to focus and put your energy.  

It was a large class and a lot of the folks were new faces, people outside the orbit of our current tango community.  This is not a bad thing.  This little bunch has to grow and seeing people so willing to take the chance to experiment with movement and music - in the context of working with another person - seeing people take that chance is refreshing.

For myself I need all the technique I can get.

Other than that?  I'm getting the hang of using this new computer system and fine-tuning it so I can create and notate new pieces.

I like this.  I really do.  I may be slowly starving, but by God I like where I am - at least for the moment.

There are signs of Spring.  The snow had a good melt today - temps in the low Forties.  More snowfall is predicted for tomorrow - but I think we'll be OK.

Everyone I saw around town today was smiling, scarves were worn open rather than wrapped tight.  The sidewalks looked dry.  I think we're getting just enough Winter - and it has seemed a long one - and getting just enough of a hint of Spring to put us in context.

I think I'll sleep well tonight.

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