They're leftovers from the impromptu Super Bowl party that C and I had.
Wait. Am I allowed to say "Super Bowl"? Should I say "The Big Game" - at least until someone copyrights that?
Oh, who the heck cares? This stuff is too yummy to worry about copyright. As long as I brush my teeth I think I'll be fine. And I can't use any of this to make breakfast so that's that.
I had a fast, fast shift at the Orchard this evening. One of the things I signed on for was to teach people how to use their devices, to put these years of "educational expertise" to work in helping people be better at being themselves.
It follows the same path I use to teach music (and V was using last night to teach tango), namely that you help people understand what success looks like, in their context.
Sing the notes before you play them.
Feel the tension of movement before you use it to move.
Know your goal before you start the process.
It's funny how this also applies to writing music. Sometimes I wake up hearing a melody or even just a pattern of sound and I have to run to the computer keyboard to play it down or grab my clipboard (and fumble for a pen) to write it - yes, I actually write stuff with pen and paper just as easily as I do with a computer and keyboard.
But every note or phrase seems like the middle of a bridge that I see in my mind, spanning the two sides of a river. I can see the middle span but then have to build all the rest together to get what I want.
The damnable thing is that I can often sense the entire bridge in my mind's eye - or ear. It's like a ghost of a song just out of reach and the struggle comes in getting it to come to life in the light of day.
I think I have wasted too much of my life in settling for the ghosts of songs, in the possibilities of action - rather than in trying to make them into rich, share-able reality.
Well. I suppose it can't be helped. At least, not now. I'm having too much fun doing all the work of bringing these pieces to life - of bringing my life to life.
On to the next thing. And these veggies are fantastic.
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