Friday night saw the opening "Inuk and the Sun" at USM.
The show was very theatrical - and went pretty much as I thought it would. The visual component was very strong but I was stunned to hear - or not hear - some of the music cues I'd written. Especially the seals. Apparently the background tracks were thought to be too thick. I spent my time before bed on Friday re-scoring them .... All to no avail.
I should have gone to the dress and could have gotten them teched into the show - but even though the music for the Northern Lights is very, very NewAge and over-produced the show is locked.
Which, ultimately, is my own fault. I should have taken more time - but that is the price of being so busy and not planning better for the execution of the show.
Still, all told it's ultimately a real success. Sometimes you don't get everything you want - and forget that when things work it can be magic.
I smuged the set and the cast before the opening - so I gave them my blessing and can't take it back.
Saturday was a long, long day.
SNAP workshop at 9 - my call was 8:30. Four kids, three specialists. Good odds. Then I worked till 7:30. Which made for a long work day.
And then I attended Atomic Trash's burlesque show with a Naturopath friend. Nice to have a friend willing to accompany one to see strippers.
We managed to make to the intermission. The show has really bumped up in presentation, both in showmanship and brio. I liked it, the sheer (pardon the expression) fun of it.
Oh, the naked ladies were nice too.
So today I've been relaxing, spending a lot of time re-working my birthday tango for TML - if I get the thing organized it's going to be a really good little piece. As it is it works well.
I'm writing this at Enzo, listening to people talk at the bar, watching people stop into the adjoining, attached pizza shop - Otto - walking out with wedges of crunchy, cheesy goodness.
Maybe, at the end of the day, that's all this weekend needed to be. A lot of hard work and goodness at the finish.
For which I am very, very grateful.
-- Post From My iPad
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