The Blue Sky is part of the Atlantic Hotel - i think it's called - and it's on Beach Street in York.

The Atlantic Ocean is a stone's throw - maybe even a pebble - from the balcony window.
It is a lovely place, the service exemplary and the food very tasty.
Even closer than the ocean is a bowling alley. I thought those crashing noses above the music were waves - they're out-of-season Mainers throwing splits.
Everyone chooses their own gutters, I suppose.
The conversation around the table has been lively and comfortable. We've been chatting about our histories as tangueros and tangueras and how things have changed in our respective communities.
It's a pleasant way to get away from my desk - but not my computer. I'd spend some time dancing but we have four leaders (guys) and two followers (ladies) and one of them is spending time chatting up interested students.
Oh wait, another couple has arrived.
The basic math has not changed.
Still, this is a rather nice way to spend an evening.
They've come from a West Coast Swing class in Portsmouth. I know there is a connection in a ballroom sort of way - even Salsa has a relationship to tango, but there's only so much I can worry about here.
More later - this is turning out to be a very interesting evening.
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