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Well, the weather changed.
It turned cold - not too cold but cold enough.
It turned rainy - not too rainy but rainy enough.
The final result is that this whole part of Maine got hit with an ice storm, causing a fair amount of mayhem.
A lot of people are wandering around the Mall right now - most of the county has lost power, even the cable TV is out.
Four social outlets profit in this situation - bars, movie theatres, fast food eateries - and the Mall.
Which is where I am now.
All told the first part of the day was quiet. I spent most of it at home making phone calls to other people I knew would have been affected by the storm in some way. Everyone is fine, either warmly ensconced or safely arrived home.
This still left me with the chore of driving in to the Mall and getting to work at the Orchard. It looks like most of Cumberland county is here - maybe the bars are full - or the teenyboppers have parents who are just as bored.
It was a very straightforward drive out - I had no trouble until the penultimate light before the Mall at Clark's Pond.
Apparently something, I guessing a powerline, had blocked off the traffic. This led me down a side road approach to the Mall, along with a long, somewhat harried line of cars going in both directions.
The effort was justified by seeing two big - big - wild turkeys on the side of the street, next to the Comfort Inn.
They were working the ice-covered grass, scratching like dangerous chickens, completely unconcerned with the traffic passing mere yards away.
I had to volte face and pull over - as bewildered drivers passed me in both directions. I'm glad no one honked or the birds might have bolted.
They might have bolted but I'm more inclined to think they just didn't give a rat's ass - they just went on about their work.
For all I know, they're still out there.
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