C. pointed out that I repeat myself a lot - in this case "I've never been young".
Which is true - I seem to remember hanging with adults and worrying about adult problems and ideas much before I left elementary school, for good or ill.
Which is why this space between ending teaching and starting in the Orchard is so strangely stressful in its non-stressful way.
I'm spending a lot of time writing music and looking at the city. No pressure of any kind - it's kind of neat.
I could get to enjoy this - the dial is slowly turning back from "11" to the normal "8.5" I run at.
I've walked around the entire city twice in the past few days - at some point I'm going to have to run it like I did before I tore up my knee in 2001 - but until then I'm going to just work and write, feed the cat and enjoy the space. Who knows who I will be when it's done?