Zombies. Everyone loves zombies.
So there have been a lot of flyers on a lot of phone poles advertising today's zombie kickball game.
I've seen videos of zombie walks over the years - it's the latest wrinkle in a burgeoning wave of participatory theatre - best exemplified by Improv Everywhere. It's the kind of thing you watch on YouTube and wish you could have happen near you so you can get involved - everyone else seems to be doing the neat things and you get left out (at least, that's been my sad experience of myself over the years).

So a little web browsing led me to Zombie Kickball's MySpace page - and out came our old friend "Daid Elvis".
Still can't find my makeup kit, so there followed a quick trip to the mall. At the local metal shop (yes, the mall actually has a shop catering to metal heads and goths) I had a nice chat with the young kids who helped me buy quick makeup - powder, not my first choice, black lipstick and pencils.
Now I know I have stuff if i need it.
So I had the incredible pleasure of driving through the streets of Portland on a bright day dressed as a dead Elvis Presley.
The game itself was a total riot - basically we chose up sides by numbering of "aaaahgh" or "uuuuhgh" and just started whacking away at the ball.
There was a large and enthusiastic crowd. I led them in zombiefied renditions of "YMCA" and "Take me out to the ballgame" and tried to do the wave but my arms kept falling off.
It was kind of like Avner Eisenberg's class in eccentric acting. That class changed my life - and I think my present approach to life may be traced to that interaction. It took me to a place that was real - really inside myself, like I'd come home inside my own heart.
So the game was a blast - ruthlessly logical in behaviour.
Made it into the Lewiston Sun-Journa and eHerald - too cool for words.
Facebook gallery is here.
What can I say but "Arrrrhghh!"